TABPI opportunities

Trade Association Business Publications International, TABPI, is calling for entries to its 2008 Tabbies award program. An online feature category was added this year. Entries are due Wed., March 5. More information can be found at its Web site.

TABPI also is offering a new challenge to art directors, the Design Challenge. Entries are due this Friday, though, so hurry up and check out the information on that.

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ASBPE Chicago Chapter to host Digital Journalism Workshop

The Chicago Chapter of ASBPE will be hosting its half-day winter workshop ‘Down & Dirty in the Digital World’ Friday February 29, 2008 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 2000 Clearwater Drive, Oak Brook, IL 60523 (Reed Business Information Offices).

Update your digital media skills and learn how your fellow business press editors are making the most of e-media at ASBPE’s Half-Day Winter Workshop. We’ll hear case studies on moving from print to digital formats, how-to tips for aligning electronic media with your brand, and examples of using online media to expand editorial and revenue opportunities — even turning your subject expertise into a book.

For those interested in some extra networking time, there also will be an optional lunch at Houlihan’s (56 Oak Brook Center, Oak Brook, IL 60523) following the workshop. Please RSVP by faxing or mailing the following information to Nikki Golden by Friday, February 22.

Please send your check or credit-card payment with this reservation form by Friday, February 22.

Name __________________________________________

Job title ________________________________________

Publication/company name ___________________________________

Street address ________________________________

City, State, ZIP ________________________________

E-mail (will be included in attendee networking list) ___________________­____

Daytime phone number ________________________________________

Payment $20 for members, $25 for non-members
____ My check, payable to ASBPE Chicago Chapter, is enclosed.

Type of credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) _________________

Name as it appears on card __________________________________

Dollar amount _______________________________________

Credit card number _____________________________
Expiration date __________________

Signature __________________________________

Send this completed form and payment (checks payable to ASBPE Chicago Chapter) by February 22 to: Nikki Golden, 607 W. Campbell Ct., Arlington Heights, IL 60005, or fax to: (847) 298-9225

Questions? Contact Mary Boltz Chapman at

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